Hip Pain Treatment in Virginia Beach

The hip is one of those wonderful, hard-working joints that most people don't give much thought to until it starts to hurt. Hip discomfort and stiffness can render you nearly immobile, or at the very least make ordinary duties difficult. Whether you've suffered an acute hip injury or are dealing with the impacts of a persistent musculoskeletal problem, you need effective treatment options. Hip Pain Treatment is only a short distance away! Many people like you have been treated at ChiroSolutions Center.

We're pleased to supply those solutions at ChiroSolutions Center. Dr. Samantha Coleman of Virginia Beach can help you gain significant relief using natural approaches, removing the need for drugs or intrusive surgery.

What Causes Hip Pain and Why Does It Occur?

Understanding the basic anatomy of the hip joint will help you understand how and why your hip discomfort developed. "Ball and socket" joints are found in both the shoulders and the hips. The femur's head, or thigh bone, is formed like a ball and fits into a concave socket in the hip bone called the acetabulum.

The friction between these two bony surfaces is reduced by a cartilage coating, while bursae, or synovial fluid sacs, prevent various types of friction between the joint tissues. Ligaments connect the bones in a flexible way, whereas tendons coupled to muscles allow the joint to move freely. The sciatic nerve, a main nerve that relays signals to the leg, runs through this area of the body.

Clearly, there's more to this "ball and socket" joint than meets the eye, and discomfort can originate in any of these complex components. This is also true when it comes to hip pain treatment. A high-impact accident, such as a sports injury or a workplace injury, can cause acute hip discomfort. Dislocation, in which the head of the femur comes out of the socket, is one of the most obnoxious examples. Acute connective tissue strains or sprains in the hip can also produce acute discomfort.

Some Hip Pain Causes

Hip discomfort, on the other hand, can have considerably more subtle and slow-growing reasons. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic hip discomfort. The cartilage within the joint wears down and begins to dissolve in this gradual degenerative disorder, causing the bones to rub together painfully. The labrum, a ring of cartilage around the hip, is frequently torn in athletes. Bursitis is a painful disorder that occurs when the bursae that reduce friction between tissues become inflamed. Chronic tendonitis can develop as a result of repeated microtears in the hip tendons.

What are the risks of developing a persistent hip problem?

Some of the causes, such as osteoarthritis, are a natural complication of age-related wear and tear, however excessive joint misuse can hasten the problem. Repetitive motion disorders and overuse injuries are linked to many types of chronic strain, particularly in athletes or professionals who repeat the same hip motions on a daily basis. Chronic hip discomfort can also be caused by a musculoskeletal imbalance. In actuality, your "hip pain" could be a referred pain issue, with the basis of the pain being a pinched sciatic nerve root.

Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment by Chiropractors

If your hip pain is accompanied by a popping sound, visible deformity, bleeding, or the inability to move your hip at all, you should seek medical attention right away. Most non-emergency conditions, on the other hand, respond well to chiropractic care.

Our chiropractors will examine your hips with X-rays to search for evident hip joint abnormalities, as well as talk to you about your symptoms, medical history, and any recent incidents you've had. These examinations can also reveal any issues with spinal and/or pelvic alignment that are related to overuse injuries, chronic strain, bursitis, or arthritis, as well as any spinal nerve tissue impingement.

It's time to get the all-natural hip pain therapy you need after our Virginia Beach chiropractors figure out what's causing your hip discomfort. Not only can we alter the relative locations of the femur and hip socket to repair dislocation, but we can also treat subluxation, a more subtle alignment issue. Postural and alignment abnormalities that put stress on hip tissues can be corrected with spinal adjustments. Decompression therapy can help relieve pressure on the roots of the sciatic nerve. Massage and physical therapy together can assist to strengthen or heal the tissues that support the hip joint.

Chiropractors Treatment for hip pain Virginia Beach

Don't put up with the pain and limitations that come with a nagging hip condition. To schedule non-invasive treatment, contact our Virginia Beach chiropractor at any of our locations. Make an appointment with ChiroSolutions Center to learn more about hip pain and your treatment options. Our chiropractors can diagnose and treat pinched nerves in a variety of ways. ChiroSolutions Center provides a number of locations where you can get help. For an appointment in Virginia Beach, call +1 757-271-0001.

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  • Name: ChiroSolutions Center
  • Address: 4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
  • Phone: +1 757-271-0001


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