Joint Pain Treatment In Virginia Beach
What exactly is joint pain?
Joint pain is a painful, aching sensation that can occur in any joint of the body. Joint pain is a common complaint among musculoskeletal disease patients. There are numerous causes of joint pain. Joint pain can be a symptom of a more serious illness or injury.
Joint pain can affect a single joint or several joints. The location and nature of the pain will be determined by the cause of the patient's disease.
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Joint pain location
The knee joint
Diseases in the knee joint or the soft tissue surrounding the joint cause pain in the knee joint. The level of pain varies from person to person; some people have only mild pain, while others have severe knee pain that makes it difficult to move and perform daily activities.
Shoulder joint
One of the most common conditions is shoulder pain. An estimated 20% of the population will suffer from shoulder pain at some point in their lives. Only lumbar spine pain has a higher rate.
Shoulder pain can also be caused by a variety of conditions, including shoulder osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, shoulder injury, related nerve diseases such as nerve damage, or other organ diseases such as pain. Angina pectoris, pneumonia, lung cancer...

The hip joint
Degenerative hip disease, ankylosing spondylitis, aseptic head necrosis, and hip synovitis can all cause hip pain. Hip pain can also occur during pregnancy or following an injury...

Ankle sprain
The ankle or ankle joint is a particularly vulnerable area. Ankle pain can be a sign of arthritis, tendonitis, or other conditions. Depending on the cause and condition, treatment may include anti-inflammatory medication, rest, or compression.
The wrist joint
Wrist pain can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. The wrist is a part of the body that is constantly active in daily activities as well as sports. This is the area of the joint that is prone to injury and pain.
Wrist pain caused by improper posture, such as Carpal tunnel syndrome, De Quervain's long tendonitis, and others, wrist pain caused by osteoarthritis, or wrist pain caused by disease systemic inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

The elbow joint
Elbow joint pain is typically caused by over-irritation of one or more parts of the elbow, resulting in painful inflammation. Swelling, redness, and pain in the joints are common symptoms, as is a limited range of motion in the elbow. Many conditions can cause joints to stiffen or deform, making it difficult to function.
Joint pain causes
There are numerous causes of joint pain. The nature of the pain varies depending on the cause, as does the treatment method. The majority of causes of joint pain are innocuous. Some joint pain, on the other hand, necessitates long-term treatment because it causes long-term joint problems.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic bone and joint disease that causes fatigue and joint pain. The disease is more common in people over the age of 40, especially after the age of 60. Osteoarthritis causes a weakening of the articular cartilage and discs, as well as a decrease in lubricating mucus at the joints and synovial membrane inflammation.
This makes joint movement difficult, resulting in pain and stiffness. Most joints in the body are susceptible to degeneration, with osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, finger, hand, back, cervical, shoulder, and ankle being the most common. …

If you have a joint infection (septic arthritis), you should see a doctor right away for active treatment to avoid potentially dangerous complications.

One of the most common causes of joint pain and fatigue is joint injury.
Misalignment: Improper movement while living, working, or playing sports can result in a dislocation or a sub-dislocation. This injury causes joint pain and can reoccur repeatedly. Dislocation, if not treated promptly, can cause ligament damage, joint capsule damage, and other irreversible damage.
Fracture: A break in the bone that causes bleeding and contraction of the surrounding muscles. This condition can result in bleeding in the adjacent joint as well as increased joint pain.
Ligament injury: This is also one of the most common causes of joint pain and fatigue. A partial or complete ligament rupture will result in limited joint movement and varying degrees of joint pain.
Acute or chronic arthritis is caused by the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in tissues. Acute arthritis affects only one joint, most commonly the big toe. An acute gout attack is distinguished by swelling, heat, redness, and severe pain in the joints.
Gout is a disease that affects men more than women. The disease usually begins in middle-aged men and postmenopausal women, is uncommon in young adults, and is usually more severe in those who begin before the age of 30.
Arthritis caused by an autoimmune disease
A lack of vitamin D
Women in menopause
Chiropractic for joint pain relief in Virginia Beach
All of our treatment plans at ChiroSolutions Center take a "whole person" approach to wellness, and we pride ourselves on staying on the cutting edge of the latest unique techniques and therapies that can provide our clients with a more effective healing path. Our multidisciplinary pain management team includes chiropractors, therapists, and athletic trainers that collaborate to find the fundamental causes of your pain rather than just treating the symptoms.
Joint pain treatment is determined by your symptoms as well as the severity of the joint injury. Before prescribing a treatment plan, we employ diagnostic techniques like x-rays to establish the degree of the injury. We also check to see if the discomfort is caused by any other issues or problems. We may recommend a combination of therapy to aid with the symptoms by lowering inflammation and swelling in the joints, such as:
Ultrasound. Ultrasound waves are used to massage soft tissues as well as troublesome joints and muscles, which helps patients relieve pain, reduce swelling and stiffness, and enhance mobility.
Electrotherapy. These little electric pulses do not hurt. They stimulate neurons and muscles to cure soft tissue injuries.
Low-power laser, often known as "cold laser." Cold laser therapy reduces inflammation, promotes blood flow, and speeds up the healing process by stimulating the muscles and soft tissues of the body with a non-heat-producing laser that penetrates deep into the tissue.
Contact Our Chiropractor in Virginia Beach
Schedule a consultation with ChiroSolutions Center. Our chiropractors can diagnose and treat pinched nerves in a variety of ways. ChiroSolutions Center provides a number of locations where you can get help. For an appointment at ChiroSolutions Center in Virginia Beach, call +1 757-271-0001.
- Name: ChiroSolutions Center
- Phone: +1 757-271-0001
- Address: 4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
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